Files & Links
Files and Links
Physicals - Clinic Providers
This list of area doctors who offer sports physical services on a walk-in basis is not comprehensive. APS and Yorktown are not recommending any specific doctor or organizations to conduct physicals. This information is simply offered as a service for those looking for locations which offer same-day physicals.
Download PDFImPACT Test Information
APS will baseline test student-athletes engaged in contact/limited-contact sports as well as students with a known concussion history. The baseline test is re-administered every two years.
Download PDFMiddle Schoolers HS Sports Information
What high school sports are available to 8th and 9th graders and what you need to participate.
Download PDFProgress Report Form
The Progress Report (often referred to as a "Green Sheet") is available in the Student Activities Office. For complete information on athletic academic eligibility during the season, please view the YHS Athletic Academic Eligibility Plan.
Download PDFNACAC Student-Athlete Tips for Academics
Thinking of playing a sport in college? From registering with Eligibility Centers to signing a Letter of Intent, the college application process is different for student-athletes. Follow these 10 steps to identify a college where you can pursue both your athletic and academic interests.
Download PDFNCAA Eligibility Center
If you are interested in playing Division I or Division II sports in college, click here for an overview of the NCAA eligibility requirements. Below, under LINKS, is the link to the NCAA official website, where you can find answers to your questions and register for the NCAA Eligibility Center.
Download PDFSubstance Use Facts and Parent Resources
The attached resources were handed out at the December 8 presentation. We plan to hold another community event on substance use next fall.
Download PDFAPS Release/Concussion Fact Sheet
The APS Participation Agreement is required to participate in athletics. The signed form should be turned in with the VHSL physical form. Concussion fact sheets for students and parents should be kept at home for reference.
Download PDFLinks.
Athletic Registration
Yorktown has transitioned to an online student athlete registration system for submission of the VHSL Athletic Participation/Parental Consent/Physical Examination form and emergency care card. Each family will create one account to register all their children. Be sure to register your children for all the sports they might be interested in. While registering does not guarantee a spot on the team, this information will help to ensure your student is ready to go on the first day of tryouts. Students will not be allowed to try out if they are not registered for the specific sports they wish to try out for. Students may be registered for multiple activities throughout the year and families can sign in as needed to update information. It will be necessary to update this information each school year. The only part of the physical which will need to be uploaded is the single doctor’s physical examination page . Student’s school ID number is required for registration. Questions, please contact Mary Ann Mahan via email at
Visit websiteNCAA Eligibility Center
College-bound student-athletes preparing to enroll in a Division I or Division II school need to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center to ensure they have met amateurism standards and are academically prepared for college coursework. Find answers to your questions and register for the Eligibility Center here.
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